Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog 8: Research and Working EQ

1. What is your working EQ?

How does organization, leadership skills, and prioritization play a part in managing a store?

2. What is a possible answer to your working EQ? Please write the answer in thesis format.

EQ: What's the most effective way to synergize organization, leadership skills, and prioritization when it comes to managing a store.

  • Organization, leadership skills, and prioritization combined should be adjusted and tuned based on the situation and status of your current store.
  • The most effective way to synergize organization, leadership skills, and prioritization would be to train your staff accordingly to the follow the previously stated aspects.
3. What is the most important source you have used that has help to come up with an answer to your working EQ? 

By far, my best source would be the book titled, Getting Things Done by David Allen. This book goes into a giant explanation of using prioritization and leadership skills to your best effect. Easy to follow and grasp. David Allen also writes from a worker prospective of productivity and a manager's prospective.

4. Who is your mentor, or where are you doing mentorship, and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ?

My mentor is Manager Andrew Johnson of the Pomona Valley Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Claremont. What my mentorship revolves around would be to organize products, make sure customers are fully serviced and satisfied to the best of my ability, and last, but not least, to hone my leadership skills by leading other teens like me within the workplace to success.

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