Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Preparation

The Fourth Interview Questions for Marvin Negrete (Current Hotel Supervisor for Sheraton Hotel/Former Cheesecake Factory Warehouse Manager; three locations)

  1. You’ve had the experience of dealing with customers and you know what the busiest times of the day are for any establishment. What would you say are the busiest hours of the day for any type of store/business/service? Please specify further if needed
  2. Is there any particular type of customer that you find almost impossible to accommodate/please?
  3. What strategies do you use in order to keep track of employee performance?
  4. Are you a type of manager that likes to micro-manage or macro-manage when supervising employee? Give examples if necessary.
  5. Aside from communication, leadership, and organization, could you explain what other important ideals you need in order to survive in the management world?
  6. How do you, as a manager, keep morale high within your workforce?
  7. In your experience of being a manager, have you had to step into the employee’s shoes to pick-up the slack and get tasks completed? Provide examples please.
  8. In your opinion, what defines a winning team? Example: you’re a manager and you have your team of employees. What do you feel defines the traits of having a successful team?
  9. On the note of teams, what kind of standards do you set for your employees?
  10. Are there ever times as a manager when you just solely work alone? (Aside from managing performance from team members of course
  11. When the busiest hours of the day are just an hour away, do you do anything to prepare for the oncoming, non-stop work?
  12. How do you keep your team calm during the particularly busiest work hours of the day?
  13. What’s the most detrimental setback that could happen during management? How do you solve those problems?
  14. Do you have any particular time and employee management strategies you would like to share?
  15. How do you measure success as a manager?
  16. How do you delegate tasks as a manager?
  17. How do you manage employees with a negative attitude?
  18. Describe your approach to making decisions and solving problems. Why do you do it this way?
  19. How much leeway do you give your employees to make decisions? How do you still maintain control?
  20. How far in advance do you typically plan activities for yourself and your employees?

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