For the month of November I received a couple of good lessons on how to price and organize product that we sell in stores from my mentor, Sara Timberlake. She's taught me how to price and get the most value out of the items we sell in the store. In store management, both for profit and non-profit, the goal is to ultimately make more than what you previously spent before on something. She's told me to look at things through a customer's eyes. Do they want something sturdy? What brand is the product? Does the item for sale have a set it could match with? Is the item in a sellable condition? (very important for non-profit organizations. This question would be out of the context for a regular store) These questions are good. I'll go into a bit more detail on how pricing and sets work at our store below.
So looking at the above kitchen cupboards and draws, what do you think? Is it visually appealing? Is it clean? Does the items above appear to be brand-spanking-new? Do they match? Would you want one of these in your home?
The answers to the above questions may vary depending on the buyer. Selling merchandise from a store could be as simple as just having the product in a clean and neat manner. Sets of items always tend to catch the eye of customers and I know that from my experience at Habitat for Humanity. In terms of selling home-improvement based goods, people tend to want uniformity, for everything to look the same. It's a no brainer, but for a store to sell these types of items it's a lot more important than some people realize.